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5 Reasons You Need a Daily SPF (And Mazillo’s New Mineral Sunscreen For Your Face!)

Learn why a daily SPF is the most important step in your skincare routine and meet Mazillo's new Defend+Restore Mineral SPF50 Serum -  A sunscreen you'll want to wear every day!

Using a daily SPF as part of your skincare routine prevents sunburn, reduces the risk of skin cancer, and prevents premature aging caused by UV rays. It should be the most important step in everyone’s skincare routine!  

Yet, we know that the greasy texture, thick formula, and white residue of many daily SPFs can be off-putting. That’s why at Mazillo we’ve been working tirelessly behind the scenes to create a sunscreen for your face you’ll actually want to use every day.

The result? The Defend+Restore Mineral SPF50 Serum: A natural sunscreen made with cutting-edge mineral filters and powerful antioxidant plant-stem cells, to not only protect your skin, but strengthen the skin barrier for visible rejuvenation. All that, in a serum-like formula that leaves no trace!

In this post, we’ll share 5 reasons why you need a daily SPF, our answer to any hesitations, and why the Defend+Restore Mineral SPF50 Serum might be the perfect option for you.



5 Reasons why you need a daily SPF

Many people think sunscreen is reserved for summer days in the garden or lounging on the beach, but there are many important reasons to wear sun protection every single day!

It’s one quick step in your skincare routine with multiple benefits for your skin’s health.

 1. Prevents Premature Aging

Broad-spectrum sunscreen protects against UVA+UVB rays, which damage skin cells and lead to premature aging.

 2. Reduces The Risk of Skin Cancer

Using a daily sunscreen of a minimum SPF 30 is one of the best ways to prevent skin cancer, according to numerous studies.

 3. Helps Maintain an Even Skin Tone

Prolonged sun exposure can lead to hyperpigmentation and ‘sun spots’ which a daily SPF can help prevent.

 4. Reduces Inflammation

Research shows that UV radiation leads to multiple reactions within skin cells that trigger inflammation as the body's go-to defence mechanism. Applying SPF daily creates a protective barrier that reduces the likelihood of these reactions.

 5. Protects Against Sunburn

We’ll finish with the most obvious! Wearing sunscreen on your face stops you from getting a red Rudolph nose, a peeling forehead, or panda eyes where your sunglasses have been!


Daily SPF: Common Questions

Now you know why you should wear a daily SPF, let’s get the common questions and concerns out of the way so you’re confident protecting your skin today!

What SPF do I need for everyday sunscreen?

For everyday use, it's generally recommended to use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF (Sun Protection Factor) of 30 or higher. If you have sensitive skin, opt for 50 for added protection.

Do you need to wear sunscreen when it’s cloudy?

Yes! UV rays are powerful and can penetrate through clouds to reach your skin, so it’s essential to apply your daily SPF regardless of the weather conditions.  

Why choose mineral sunscreen?

Where chemical sunscreens absorb UV radiation and release it from the skin, mineral sunscreen sits on the surface and acts as a physical barrier, reflecting UV rays away from the skin. Mineral sunscreens are natural and, as they create a physical separation between you and the sun, are often considered safer.

Why does mineral sunscreen leave a white residue?

Many people are put off using mineral sunscreens because most options feel thick and chalky and leave a white residue because of the zinc oxide. The Defend+Restore Mineral SPF50 Serum, however, has a lightweight feel and a satin and velvety finish without leaving a white residue! 

Why does sunscreen make me break out?

Thick or greasy sunscreens can clog pores, leading to breakouts for people with oily or acne-prone skin types. To prevent this, opt for a natural and lightweight formula, like The Defend+Restore Mineral SPF50 Serum, which has a non-clogging serum-like texture that absorbs effortlessly into the skin.



Mazillo’s Defend+Restore Mineral SPF50 Serum: A Sunscreen You’ll Want To Wear Everyday

From preventing sunburn to maintaining an even skin tone, a daily SPF is a crucial step in every skincare routine.

With so many options on the market, we know it’s hard to choose. Remember, the most important thing is that you find a product you’ll want to wear every day and are willing to commit to. Any SPF is better than none!

That said, we hope this blog post has inspired you to try our new Defend+Restore Mineral SPF50 Serum. We’ve crafted this product as a continuation of your existing Mazillo skincare routine, to keep your skin protected and rejuvenated, whatever your skin type, and whatever the weather conditions.

Wishing you happy and healthy skin!

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